Month: January 2018
Floris Paalman’s @mediapolisjrl essay on Thomas Elsaesser’s doc The Sun Island is a must-read – a fascinating history of architecture and family, intertwined.
Launching a new series on the memorable moments of 2017 in @mediapolisjrl with a post recapping the evolution of the journal over the year
New in @mediapolisjrl: our reviews editor @noelle_grif sits down with Pam Wojcik to talk about her new book, Fantasies of Neglect, and the figure of the urban child in American film and fiction.
From an @TheEconomist explainer on the closure of coffeeshops in Amsterdam: “A report by the Bonger Instituut, a criminology think-tank named after a professor at the University of Amsterdam, is blunt…” A double-double-entendre? Well-played.